Application Entry
Kalamazoo County Early Middle College (EMC) is a rigorous five-year high school program, combining the best of the high school and early middle college experience.
EMC is structured so that students gradually increase their exposure to college courses over a five-year span. By the time they reach the fifth year,
all their coursework will be on-site at the college campus.
Students who consider EMC must be willing, motivated and up for the challenge to perform successfully at the college level.
The end result is for students to graduate at the end of the fifth year with a high school diploma and a certificate or associate degree.
Students must be accepted into the EMC program before beginning the junior year of high school.
The students' local school district pays the college tuition and fees up to an allocated amount, determines the number of openings, and makes the final decision
as to which students are selected for participation.
To be eligible to apply to Kalamazoo County Early Middle College students must:
Be on track to complete all Michigan Merit graduation requirements by the end of their junior year (with the exception of English 12 and the final Math course).
Complete and submit the Early College application form. PRIOR TO COMPLETING THIS, COME PREPARED WITH THE FOLLOWING:
- High School Counselor's email address
- Name and email address of one teacher who will submit a recommendation on your behalf
- A minimum of two teacher's names and email addresses
- Application Essay (be ready to type it in during online application process or copy/paste) View Essay Guidelines
For further information or questions about the EMC program, please visit
or email
Students and their parent/guardian are strongly encouraged to attend an EMC Informational Meeting. Please refer to the website for a list of dates.
Notice of Non-discrimination: It is the policy of Kalamazoo Regional Educational Service Agency that no discriminating practices based on race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation or sexual identity), disability, age, religion, height, weight, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information or any other legally protected category be allowed during any program, activity, service or in employment. The following positions at Kalamazoo RESA have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policy: Assistant Superintendents- Tom Zahrt & Mindy Miller. Contact information: 269-250-9200, 1819 E. Milham Ave, Portage, MI 49002.
As part of the application process, students must write and submit an essay attached to their application.
Please write a 1-2 page essay that gives us information about you that wasn't included in the rest of the application.
Please address the prompts listed below in your essay and share any other information that you feel we should know about you.
1) Early Middle College is an opportunity for you to earn college credit. EMC students are required to attend bi-weekly mentor meetings and occasional cohort meetings.
Accessing these supports is an important part of success in the program. Please explain why you are a good fit for this program and how you feel everything offered
through the program will benefit you. What is your ultimate career/educational goal, and how do you feel Early Middle College will help you achieve those goals?
2) Describe your academic career. What would you consider to be a high point? What about a low one? In what areas do you feel you have improved through the years?
Where do you feel you may still need to improve a bit?
3) Finally, tell us a bit about yourself outside of school. What interests do you have? What activities do you participate in? What responsibilities do you have?
Your essay will be evaluated on the thoroughness of your response, as well as the organization, language used, punctuation, and grammar.